God’s Healthy Plan

Today is weigh in day! Do not be afraid for God is with you! It's going to be a victory no matter what that scale says! Do not let that scale dictate your life! Do not let that scale steal your joy, if it isn’t what you thought it should be! God is Your everything! He is working through, you as you do this plan and seek Him for help! Everyday is a victory with Him! Everyday He celebrates you! We do too! We are so glad you are here! We are so elated that you chose to take the steps to take care of your body, His temple! So smile, you’ve got this day!! You have Jesus! You are a new creation in Christ, and the old things have passed away! So claim that for this day! You are a bright shining Light for Him! Now that is a cheering victory moment for sure!! Grasp ahold that! Cling to Him!


Daily Word


Daily Word