God’s Healthy Plan
I have been noticing that when I am away, my hubby really goes off the charts with eating! I love the man, but he cannot stay disciplined…lol! But when I get back home, he jumps back on and starts to be more mindful of his eating habits! It made me think of how different it may be for some of you to stay on the plan, or at least try to eat better and cleanse your gut! Do it all in moderation, is what I tell hubby! This isn’t a quick fix, or a race to lose lots of pounds right away! This plan is moderation and commitment! If you can commit to making the change, each piece of the plan will come! The most important part of the plan is God! Be sure to keep Him in it all! Pray before you begin your day, before you have any food or drink! Pray for strength when you get hungry! Use the cleanse bars to fill in the gaps! They work for me when I eat one!! I eat one slowly, cutting it into 3 squares!! I also drink lots of water!! I may even make another lemon and honey water! There are ways to overcome this without grabbing the wrong thing to eat! If you do grab the wrong thing, It’s ok! Forgive yourself and then jump right back on the plan!! Pray and keep taking those faith steps!!!