Mamma Mish's Dishes, Stories and Inspirations: Food Faith Fellowship

This is not just a cookbook friends. This book is yumminess, easy to read and follow recipes, lots of encouragement and inspiration along the way while preparing some deliciousness to bring folks together. I know your culinary skills and faith will increase as you journey through the pages. Don't worry if you haven't cooked much, or at all, for yourself or your loved one this book will keep you encouraged every step of the way. If you are afraid of preparing a recipe, its ok, we'll journey together through learning about spices, mixing things, planning a meal and some cooking lingo. So, no worries Mamma Mish is going to help with all of that. This book will be of good use not only in the kitchen but in life too as it is faith filled. The joy that will come as you flow through recipes, healthy tips and inspirational tidbits. Yes, you will come alive in the kitchen and I encourage you to gather loved ones to help plan meals and make sweet memories.

Voice of Truth

To be a Voice of Truth is to be intertwined with Him! To know Him and walk with Him every day. To know the promptings from God, to pray them back and walk by faith as He leads. God has an amazing plan for all of us. Not some but all. He says many are called but few are chosen. Choose to be chosen. Choose His Way. It's truth when you choose God above everything and everyone. He is the most faithful. He never leaves us or forsakes us.

This book is truth inside and out. Nothing but truth. My journey before and after I chose Jesus. I am so very grateful He never let go of me, saved me from many things and He will do the same for you.

Trust the process and purpose He has for your life. You also can be His Voice of Truth. Believe with God all things are possible. This book will take you on an adventure with The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You won't be the same when you read His truths for they are for your life too!

Voice of Truth (Hardcover w/ Dust Cover)
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Voice of Truth (Softcover)
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What Readers Are Saying

“Mamma Mish has fabulous recipes- easy to make and delicious - but it is so much more than a cookbook. It is so inspirational just like Mamma Mish herself. You have to get one and see for yourself. You will love, love, love it!!!.”

— Rose-Marie (Amazon)

“Got mine today!. For those who knew the “brick and mortar”, it’s what we remember. For those who want to combine your love of cooking w your love of Christ. here ya go. Looking for a book w “feels like home” recipes. this is it. Gonna be my workplace “go to” for Christmas gifts for so many reasons. Can’t wait to see if I can recreate my family’s favorites. Hope I can do them justice.”

— Shelby (Amazon)

“This intertwines treasured recipes with the joys of sharing with family and friends . It is lovely. In some respects it is reminiscent in style to the classic ‘Like Water for Chocolate’ without the fictional themes.”

— Miss Molly (Amazon)