Daily Word
Yes, there are many storms brewing all over the place right now. Massive, deadly storms. It is quite incomprehensible to me, that the storms are so fierce. Some say it’s the enemy. Some say God is mad at us. Some say we are in the end times. I say, do not worry about all of that, but stay in prayer! Praise Him in the storms of life. Rebuke the storm. Lift your hands up just as God told Moses, to part the Red Sea, and as Jesus told the storm, to be still and quiet down! You have that same authority and power! If the devil is messing with the storm, we resist him also, and rebuke him from the atmosphere. Focus on God and His Word. I am not sure it is the end times, but some things in the Word are happening. I do believe the real battle, and the prayers, are for His Light to quench the darkness, and for the battle of good and evil to end with God getting all the glory in this place. Also, if it is the end of times get into John Chapter 3 and pray it up over all folks that are yet to be saved! They need Jesus! God is wanting His children to pray and reach out with the message of hope!! Jesus saves!! We are called to souls, once we are saved by His grace! Do not keep the good news bottled up inside of you! Folks need to know Jesus and be living in the Kingdom of God! No one left behind is Mamma’s purpose on this earth!