Daily Word
The relationship that should always com first is your relationship with God. If you put Him first, then everything else will come after Him! The most cherished relationship is not with anyone else, but God first! Pray for the distractions to be shut down in life so you can make time to be intimate with God. This is precious time with Him. Be in His Presence! You want to give Him your wholehearted devotion! Be devoted to Him first in the morning and all throughout the day! Then at night, end the day with Him! The closer you get to Him and the more you love Him with all of you…..you will completely love yourself and all He puts in your path! He loved us first! We then love Him and all others! Lord, let our devotion in this life be You. Lord, forgive us for putting everything else before You! Keep us closer to You, closer than anyone or anything else…in Jesus Name, Amen!