Daily Word
Then Jesus said to them, Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men. They immediately left their nets and followed Him. ~Mark 1:17-18
This Word is for today! This Word is for now! His sheep know His voice is the Word that comes when I hear this verse in Matthew. When Jesus came upon the disciples they knew Who Jesus was obeyed His voice, no second guessing, no over thinking, no squabbling and no taking care of other things before they go! They just dropped everything and left to follow Him! They were ready when He came! I’m telling you He is here now! He came and made the way already for all of us! It’s time to drop everything and follow Him! How?? Get into the Gospels and read Jesus' life on this earth…..His mission….souls! His purpose…..Salvation! His plan…..From God and it was specific and for life! Start today! Deny self, take up your cross and follow Him too! Life will be good!