Welcome to the “God’s Healthy Plan for Living” Blog!

Good day to you all! Welcome to the God’s Healthy Plan for Living Blog! We hope and pray that you are thriving on the plan and beginning to live your best life! A Word that came to me when writing the plan was in Colossians 2:19 – Jesus is the source of life, who puts us together on one piece, whose very breath and blood flow through us. He is the Head and we are the body. We can grow healthy in God as He nourishes us! WOW God when I read that I got goosebumps!! Keep Him first my friends and He will direct your path always! If your feeling weak He is strong! When you do this plan do it with Him! Let Him help you through the rough moments! Stick to it though – you will feel so much better inside and out!!!

Some NEWS – Mamma has almost finished the snack bars! Flavors are peanut butter banana and dark chocolate and cinnamon blueberry apple! Also, we will be offering the evening tea!! So now you will only need one tea bag! New recipes are being birthed everyday! Mamma is also working on getting a recipe book together for the plan! Stay tuned it’s all coming!! We love y’all! Don’t forget send us an email if you are needed some encouragement with any part of the plan!! We got you! God has you!!!

Ya’ll know what this means that every single ailment, disease, mental diagnosis, spiritual battle and well anything mental, physical, spiritual, emotional and even financial ailment that comes upon you that you can profess and declare and stand on this Word that you are healed! Yes my friend Jesus took on all of it! ALL OF IT on the cross! His blood shed for all that we need healing for! It is already done! You have to have faith to believe that Word is true for you right now! Speak it out I am healed in my body, my soul, my mind and my finances. Yes they need healing open up that wallet and claim it full, full, full and abundant blessings in there! Where it hurts claim it no pain, no disease, no ache and no pressure I am healed in this area of my body by the blood of Jesus. I will speak that until the healing power of God comes! Don’t go back once you pray it and speak it out loud! Be consistent and say it till the wallet is full and the pain is gone in Jesus Name!


Daily Word


Daily Word