Daily Word

Who am I God?

Why am I so sad?

Why do I want to give up?

How can I be free and alive again?

What do I need to let go of?

These are all the questions I have asked God for so many years when times were getting so challenging and I was feeling stagnant and stuck! 

When I started this journal that I am writing from back in June 1, 2023 I had no idea the plan at that point! I was so desperate to hear God. 

I was running several small businesses and had been for 7 years and I kept feeling that God was about to change things up but I was so busy with all the businesses that when I finally arrived home I would be so exhausted and my mind could not think much more! So one eve these things I had written to Him. 

He answered them all! He told me you are my daughter, He said I am sad because life is all the businesses and not Him anymore. He said there is no end in sight that’s why I want to give up. He said I can be free and alive again if I do life His way. He then said I need to let go of self and my ways.

Wow He then showed me what should matter the most to me:

God and me 

Me and God

My home

My health

My marriage

My mission for God

He showed me how creative I have been with the business and that creativity has been wonderful to help people through the businesses. He also took me on a journey through the Word that really lit my spirit up! He showed me……….

Out with the old

Simplify it all

Clean up, train and be better at leading

His way was more manageable

I am not alone – I don’t have to do this alone

Then He so graciously took me on a journey of priorities and that to this day has stuck with me on my present journey………….

God Priorities and what is to come:

Get close to Me again and listen

Let God lead me and all things will fall into place

Marriage on track

Relationships on track

Financial freedom

New opportunities

New Adventures

Being alive again

Healthier living

Wow I heard Him and sat with Him until I retained and processed all that He showed me on this day. Promises, Discipline, Hope, Guidance and love. 

I ended that day with a prayer because I was so incredibly grateful that God gave me His time to pour into my tired soul. I mattered to Him on this day. He knew exactly where I was and He blessed me!

My prayer was small but mighty because sometimes you only need short, sweet and to the point with God. But I knew when I prayed this prayer things were about to change in my life! I was about to grow, learn and be different! 

Dear Lord, It’s time God – change me – change my life. Give me a free life in You! Only You! Convert me Lord to do something radically and entirely different for You in Jesus Name Amen and Agreed.


Daily Word


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