Daily Word

The book of Proverbs speaks a lot of wisdom, Godly wisdom to be exact! It says in Proverbs 24:5, “A wise man is strong, Yes a man of knowledge increases in strength”. That's very cool! So where does the knowledge come from?? The Lord! The Word! The more you read the Word, the more you retain truth! That truth is knowledge! The entire bible is full of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding for every aspect of life! Seriously, everything that we encounter in life is in the Bible. It is God's Word for how to live life for, and with Him! His concepts, precepts, and ways are incredible. Each day pick a place in the Word and fill your mind, heart, and spirit with truth! Meditate on Word that touches your heart. Learn it, study it and speak it out! Just like the beginning proverb, speak it out! I am a wise man/woman and I am strong. I will increase in knowledge of God's Word and I will increase in strength. After all, the Bible is sharper than a two edged sword and is a lamp unto our feet to guide us through life! So take time each day and read a bit and increase your wisdom!!!


God’s Healthy Plan


Daily Word