Daily Word
The Word says many times, to seek God with your whole heart! I know that this is a small sentence, but it has a big meaning! Have you ever sought anything with all of you (your mind, heart, body, soul, and spirit)?! I am sure there have been relationships, jobs, things, places, etc., that you have wanted so badly in your life and you literally had to give every part of yourself to obtain it! No matter what obstacle, distraction, or lack of resources you had, you were determined to get it! All of you was in it! Nothing could stop you and you were never going to give up on it until you had it! Well my friends, that is what God wants from us! He wants all of us......your mind thinking of Him always! Your heart falling for Him and His ways everyday! Your body being aware of Him, living in us, and taking care of ourselves! Your soul yearning to be close to Him! Your spirit alive and thriving as we talk to Him, reading His Word, doing His Word. He wants us to depend on Him for counsel, guidance, and with every part of our life! This is the relationship God desires for us to have with Him! An “all in” relationship! No matter what is going on, He is present with us and we need to keep Him present! We choose to leave His presence. Today be mindful of Him there! Keep Him closer than anything or anyone! He will bless you in ways you cannot even imagine!